Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Sadism is when a person obtains enjoyment or pleasure of the inflicting pain of others. For example, on the Stanford prison experiment, it can be said that the conductor of the experiment gained knowledge and saw the suffering of another human-being. The Stanford prison experiment was lead by Professor Phillip Zimbardo that wanted to see the emotional causes made  Nor did his experiment go beyond the morals of the individuals being tested on, but the individuals later had become "grossly absorbed in their roles" as prisoners. (486) Zimbardo had also hope to "promote disorientation, depersonalisation, and deindividualisation." (487) What has the world come to? Not only do humans follow physical cruelty, but use it as their benefit of personal attainment.The participants emotions were tormented that lead to the blindness of the heart's sentiments. Empathy was ignored in this case.

Another example, is when Hogarth illustrates the deviance behavior caused by the character Tom Nero. Tom Nero was simply a demonic ""tender-hearted boy", that as he grew older, he started to use physical violence to animals. All the small creatures he tormented were all innocent of such cause, but just by his amusement of violence, led him to his own death. Therefore, the reward of cruelty came along his way. All the bad deeds he committed ended up coming back to him.

The four stages of cruelty

The cruelty among animals has to stop! All animals should have the liberty to express their feelings. Like they always say dogs is a man's best friend. The cruel violence among all animals is unethical. Many people tend to abuse the rights of innocent creatures that cannot defend themselves. Just because of the problems around us make us who we are or shape us in way, should not be tolerated either way. Our misfortunes cannot lead to the humiliation of others. As human beings, we should all interact together as unison and create a better environment for the betterment of others. For example, the "origins of cruelty to animals and what such behavior might indicate about an individual's capacity for empathy and his or her possible future behavior." (498) We don't want our world to be condemned by the evil vibe that can only harm our surroundings. We want out society to prosper and know from right and wrong. Especially, when it comes to animals. Sadism should not even be a word that should be in our dictionary, meaning it shouldn't exist period! An improvement for the equal rights of animals has slowly advanced. A law has been created to protect the animals from torture of any human-kind. For instance, "the law was enacted not to suppress speech, but to prevent horrific acts of animal cruelty." (502) I want to see that one day, in where all animals are free and born free.

Torture to the beagle dogs that they make them smoke

The Anthology

[1] http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi2268.htm
[2] http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2280/1848699134_428ab3a0c5.jpg
[3] http://thomaspainescorner.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/smoking_beagles1236205373.jpg

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