Sunday, November 21, 2010

P2 Final Paper-The life of Dexter

The life of Dexter

"I want to be your best friend forever!!!"
This is Dexter...he thanks you for stopping by to learn more about him.
Dexter is a beautiful Chihuahua/Dachshund mix. He is a dog that is sweet as candy, as he licks your face and gives you a lot of kisses. His eyes are small and shiny just like the moon. If you look deep into his eyes he seems to say "I want a place I can call home!" He is the cutest thing ever. His ears are just the perfect size and they give him lots of personality. When one of his ears stands up and the other doesn't, it looks like he is winking at you with his cute ears.
   Two little brown dots just above his eyes give him that dazzling look. He's a charming guy who likes to greet

you by giving you his little paw. His body is soft like a pillow, and he loves to snuggle into a little ball and sleep 

tight. Dexter is very friendly with dogs and cats, and loves to play with squeaky toys. He is also potty trained 

and knows how to sit on command.

                     But now Dexter needs a loving home. If you are in search of a pet, come and meet Dexter and see 

if he's the right dog for you! Dexter was taken off of the euthanasia list, so if you adopt him, you are saving not 

only him but also the next dog Austin Pets Alive! can save in his place!

To find out how you can take Dexter home with you, adopt@austinpetsalive

Hello, my name is Dexter! I am a Chihuahua/Dachshund that’s a year and a half. I was looking for a place I could call home. I had been through many rough times at a young age. Moving from place to place made me feel so alone and unloved causing the presence of adults to intimidate me. The separation from my family was hard to overcome, but let me just tell you a little bit about a life that turned into a great story.
It all started when my mom gave birth to six pups and our owner couldn’t afford to take care of all of us in his home. He then abandoned my siblings and I, leaving us to fend for ourselves. I felt down when I was separated from all my siblings. My heart just shattered into pieces as I looked into my mom’s eyes and saw her gloomy face. The times she would tell us stories that made my siblings and I jump into excitement will always remain in my heart as one of my most treasured memories.  I missed the warmth, sense of security, the love and nurture I had when my siblings and I cuddled around my mom.

I was abandoned below a bridge on a highway on a cold windy night. As the days passed, I remained in the same place, hoping someone would come for me, but as each day came to an end, my hopes were repeatedly crushed. Day after day, I prayed in my sleep that someone would have even noticed I was there stranded below a bridge. But, not a single person came. My stomach growled of hunger and thirst. Every night, I would hear the rumbling noise of the cars and trucks. I had lost hope of finding a home any time soon. 

Suddenly, I thought an angel had come down from the heavens above. I was wrong! “Ouch. Ouch.” What’s going on? I was frightened as some guy in a van picked me up with a big grip. I was nervous and scared to see where he was taking me. He grabbed me and threw me in a cage in a van. Apparently, I was not the only dog inside the van.  I was startled by the dogs barking.  The doors shut down and the van started moving. I whined the whole way, not knowing where was I heading to and hoping someone would come for help. Inside the van everything was dark and depressing. Chills flowed all over my body as I felt the heat the van had created. The dogs were picked from the streets as well. They were all dying of hunger, stress, and heat exhaustion. I was frightened as the dogs howled, whined, and argued with one another. It had given me the tingling sensation. All the dogs argued because they knew what was happening and were looking for a way to escape. I was baffled by all the commotion. Everything was so suspenseful that my heart beat pounded as fast as a cheetah. Suddenly, this girl puppy started to talk to me and calmed me down.  We talked about our misfortunes and how we ended up there.
After the long drive, the van stopped. All the dogs inside looked at each other with fear. Inside the van, 

were two guys that laughed as they looked at us. I didn’t see the joke. They got all of us down on ground 

one by one. We were dragged to this barn house were we were all caged separately, but I had the luck of 

being caged with Buttons. Buttons was another Chihuahua that sooner or later became my best friend. We 

hoped for the best if anything threateningly was to happen. The place was filthy as a trash can. The dogs 

were all mistreated and not taken care of. Their fur was all tangled and dirty. Every minute that passed felt 

like an eternity for me. I would weep myself to sleep. There was not one day, where I thought about my life 

being miserable. What had I done wrong? Is it me to blame? Why me? All I ever did was to care for 

everyone I once had in my life. I am a playful dog who enjoys living life, but my misfortune of being 

abandoned had brought me to tears. Every night, I thought about my dreams I had yet to make into reality. 

For example, Christmas was around the corner and my dearest wish was to have a family of my own and a 

place I could call home.

I wondered what my future would hold.
 I noticed that the guys who had picked us up would go behind this door with some dogs, but I never saw the 

dogs come out again. The presence of the door gave me a negative vibe. Every time the door was open, a 

 strong smell came out. The smell was as strong as sulfur. That night, Buttons told me that dogs were killed 

behind those doors. They were put into gas tanks and killed! No one deserved to die in agony. Why me 

God? I asked myself, questioning everything I saw. Buttons and I would try to figure out ways to escape, but 

nothing seemed to work. Three days later, a group of people came and started checking all the cages in the 

barn. They monitored and checked all the cages as they walked by the dogs. Once they passed by the cage 

where Buttons and I was, I started to hide and curl around into a little ball. I remained quiet and shy hoping 

that they weren’t going to hurt me. Buttons, what are you doing? I asked her, as she moved closer to the 

persons timidly. She slowly let herself be petted. The APA volunteers gave full affection to Buttons when they 

petted her. We were in the last cage in the corner. Finally, they were done checking all the dogs and left. The 

next day, they come in a van and took several of us. They treated us right, with much love. I was baffled, 

thinking, what do they want from me? What did I do? I didn’t do it. They had taken us to an adoption site 

where I saw “APA volunteers“ labeled in their shirts everywhere. They left us into this cage were we had

more space to move around. People would come by and treat us with care. They walked us every day in the 

mornings and played with us too. Oh boy, were those my most favorite times I had in my whole life. Playing 

with toys, I never had before.

We didn’t have to wait as long as four days, until we got adopted. My wish had come true! The best part of all was that Buttons and I were adopted together!  We had created such a bond that I considered Buttons as one of my sisters. The joy I had was so immense that I wiggled my tail for the first time in months! Being from place to place had made me lose hope. But, for right now I am grateful, but best of all I get to meet the rest of the family this Thanksgiving day! This will be the best Thanksgiving Day ever! Now, I have a family of my own, a home, and a “sister.”  My owners consists a total of five. Now, I am happy that God listened to my prayers and granted me my dearest wish. 
Buttons blog

Buttons is an active Chihuahua mix looking for her forever home! She is a very playful dog; once you throw her a ball, she will run as fast as a cheetah and go after it. She loves toys, especially squeaky ones. This friendly girl will let anyone pet her, and she is a big fan of belly rubs. She is very gentle and sweet. She likes to go behind you shyly and then rub her little head around your leg to show affection. Buttons also seems to get along very well with dogs and cats. She is cute as a button too! Her hazel eyes and soft fur are gorgeous. Come and meet this sweetie today! Buttons was taken off of the euthanasia list, so if you adopt her, you are saving not only her but also the next dog Austin Pets Alive! can save in her place! 
Dexter blog

I want to be your best friend forever!!!"
This is Dexter...he thanks you for stopping by to learn more about him.
Dexter is a beautiful Chihuahua/Dachshund mix. He is a dog that is sweet as candy, as he licks your face and gives you a lot of kisses. His eyes are small and shiny just like the moon. If you look deep into his eyes he seems to say "I want a place I can call home!" He is the cutest thing ever. His ears are just the perfect size and they give him lots of personality. When one of his ears stands up and the other doesn't, it looks like he is winking at you with his cute ears. Two little brown dots just above his eyes give him that dazzling look. He's a charming guy who likes to greet you by giving you his little paw. His body is soft like a pillow, and he loves to snuggle into a little ball and sleep tight. Dexter is very friendly with dogs and cats, and loves to play with squeaky toys. He is also potty trained and knows how to sit on command. But now Dexter needs a loving home. If you are in search of a pet, come and meet Dexter and see if he's the right dog for you! Dexter was taken off of the euthanasia list, so if you adopt him, you are saving not only him but also the next dog Austin Pets Alive! can save in his place!
To find out how you can take Dexter home with you,

Word Count:
P2 essay: 1,535
Blog for Dexter: 267
Blog for Buttons: 154
[1] "I want to be your best friend forever!!!
[2] I wondered what my future would hold.
Photo [1] by Araceli Calletano
Photo [2] by Araceli Calletano

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