Thursday, October 28, 2010

Natural Science Museum

The Texas Memorial Museum plays a significant role in the University of Texas at Austin because it holds many truth's that people don't even know. Outside of the museum, I saw very interesting statues that caught my attention. For example, the Saber toothed cat, named for its elongated upper canine teeth. The statue looked so real that I couldn't imagine myself seeing that mammal personally. But, the most important fact that fascinated me, was that the fossils were found here in Texas. It is very exotic, knowing that creatures such as these, were here way before us and that now were the ones' who walk in this land. But, yet I can relate to this animals because they prey on other animals for their source of food. As homo sapiens (humans), we all eat other innocent animals to eat. For example, hamburgers contain meat patties that come from cows. So, we can say that this creatures or animals that were here before us are our ancestors. In this same way, we can say that we are following there same steps. The dinosaur items on the north side of the museum was very eye catching. For example, the Mosasaur (Mosasaur maximus), a large marine reptile that lived during the Cretacoous Period. There bone structures are very large in size. For example, the seats below are 8 times lifesize.

On the first floor of the museum there was a variety of fossils of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creature. When I saw fossils on the museum, I knew my spirit animal would of been frightened just like me seeing all this creatures similar to us being enormous in size.For example, I saw this Scimitar-toothed cat that was just 2 to 3 months old. As I identify myself as a dog, my power animal, I knew this was very terrifying to see. this creature had the chance to live more that two to three months.  Dogs have the instinct to know when something is wrong. In this case, this is beyond our morals. For example, its not right to kill another creature and preserve it.

On the third floor of the museum, endangered and threatened animals of the wild were kept stuffed and displayed for the public to see. In my opinion, the stuffed quail and fox seemed just to absurd. My power animal would of said, to leave the poor innocent remains of the animals in peace, right were they were found. The quails are very unharmful creatures that won't do no nothing bad to no one. I felt very upset when I saw the fox in particular because I wouldn't be able to picture my other peer dogs to be in that situation. It affects me emotionally, in the way were we have similar characteristics, such as, a tail and the sense of smell.

Scaled Quail (callipepia squamata)
These birds were found in the Trans-Pecos and Panhandle Plains.
Named after their markings on their back and breats.

      Gray fox

On the fourth floor, I observed many scientific research made that created major discoveries by scientists. One of the most interesting ideas was the finding of biological evolutions made from time to time. As humans, we should take advantage of the new positive things we have, but that doesn't include hurting animals. I that as human beings we should control and set a limit towards the experimenting of animals. Animals have feelings as us, but they don't express it the same way we do. We are all species, not genetically the same, but all of us should be treated equal with respect. That includes, the harsh cruelty to animals. For example, Darwins Natural selection theory has helped improve the knowledge of humans to see how the world is changing every moment.  In this case, finches are their source for this experiment.For their research, they take blood samples to study their DNA, and take precise measurements of their beak. It is good we make new discoveries to improve our future knowledge, but use animals with care and free them with no harm. Not a single animal should be put in this situation. So as humans, we should take care of the animals we see in our daily lives and the animals would appreciate it much. So in order to preserve the animals that we have left we should not create cruelty towards the animals, so in the future we can have more to look further more into different species.

The finches are being experimented.

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