Thursday, October 28, 2010

Natural Science Museum

The Texas Memorial Museum plays a significant role in the University of Texas at Austin because it holds many truth's that people don't even know. Outside of the museum, I saw very interesting statues that caught my attention. For example, the Saber toothed cat, named for its elongated upper canine teeth. The statue looked so real that I couldn't imagine myself seeing that mammal personally. But, the most important fact that fascinated me, was that the fossils were found here in Texas. It is very exotic, knowing that creatures such as these, were here way before us and that now were the ones' who walk in this land. But, yet I can relate to this animals because they prey on other animals for their source of food. As homo sapiens (humans), we all eat other innocent animals to eat. For example, hamburgers contain meat patties that come from cows. So, we can say that this creatures or animals that were here before us are our ancestors. In this same way, we can say that we are following there same steps. The dinosaur items on the north side of the museum was very eye catching. For example, the Mosasaur (Mosasaur maximus), a large marine reptile that lived during the Cretacoous Period. There bone structures are very large in size. For example, the seats below are 8 times lifesize.

On the first floor of the museum there was a variety of fossils of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creature. When I saw fossils on the museum, I knew my spirit animal would of been frightened just like me seeing all this creatures similar to us being enormous in size.For example, I saw this Scimitar-toothed cat that was just 2 to 3 months old. As I identify myself as a dog, my power animal, I knew this was very terrifying to see. this creature had the chance to live more that two to three months.  Dogs have the instinct to know when something is wrong. In this case, this is beyond our morals. For example, its not right to kill another creature and preserve it.

On the third floor of the museum, endangered and threatened animals of the wild were kept stuffed and displayed for the public to see. In my opinion, the stuffed quail and fox seemed just to absurd. My power animal would of said, to leave the poor innocent remains of the animals in peace, right were they were found. The quails are very unharmful creatures that won't do no nothing bad to no one. I felt very upset when I saw the fox in particular because I wouldn't be able to picture my other peer dogs to be in that situation. It affects me emotionally, in the way were we have similar characteristics, such as, a tail and the sense of smell.

Scaled Quail (callipepia squamata)
These birds were found in the Trans-Pecos and Panhandle Plains.
Named after their markings on their back and breats.

      Gray fox

On the fourth floor, I observed many scientific research made that created major discoveries by scientists. One of the most interesting ideas was the finding of biological evolutions made from time to time. As humans, we should take advantage of the new positive things we have, but that doesn't include hurting animals. I that as human beings we should control and set a limit towards the experimenting of animals. Animals have feelings as us, but they don't express it the same way we do. We are all species, not genetically the same, but all of us should be treated equal with respect. That includes, the harsh cruelty to animals. For example, Darwins Natural selection theory has helped improve the knowledge of humans to see how the world is changing every moment.  In this case, finches are their source for this experiment.For their research, they take blood samples to study their DNA, and take precise measurements of their beak. It is good we make new discoveries to improve our future knowledge, but use animals with care and free them with no harm. Not a single animal should be put in this situation. So as humans, we should take care of the animals we see in our daily lives and the animals would appreciate it much. So in order to preserve the animals that we have left we should not create cruelty towards the animals, so in the future we can have more to look further more into different species.

The finches are being experimented.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Commpassion, Sympathy, and the Roots of Empathy

Individuals of all ages, race, class etc. have the ability to express themselves emotionally in every way. For example, sympathy is the "quality or state of being thus affected by the suffering or sorrow of another" (403).  I believe that all human-beings can be affected emotionally. Some people have to experience it themselves to understand the pain they go through, but not in all cases. For example, unfortunately I have been to many funerals in the past few years. Whenever, I go to funeral I get this feeling running through my skin, my heart pounding every little second that tears start to fall out. They might not have been close to me as much, but just knowing people are affected emotionally, it makes me upset as well. My heart beats at an increasing pace like the heart of a running cheetah. My breath is taken away. For example, when I first got my first dog and it died I felt very distressed. From the death of my first animal, I knew death was a consuming factor. Death can be unfortunate, but to me it consumed my happiness I once had with my first pet. I felt hopeless, but my friends sympathy made me feel better.Showing sympathy is a way in where emotions can be shared. When others show affection of your loss, sometimes it makes you realize your not alone.

Sometimes in life you can't always describe the meaning one feels. Words are not always meant to be said, rather than to express them to get the significant meaning instead.  But to some people, "emotions are rarely out into words; far more often they are expressed through cues" (411). Yet, another way were you can depict someone's feelings is through the tone of voice, gesture, and facial expression. For example, doctors always feel empathy for the loss of their patients. They might not cry emotionally because they are use to it, but rather do they show affection by the tone of voice. So sometimes the good way to show empathy or sympathy is by giving people a hug by showing them that everything is going to be okay. Life is full with obstacles,but there are there to make us strong emotionally.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Le Hibbou (The Owl)

 This is a painting called,  Le Hibou [The Owl] by Felix Buhot. It was made in Valognes Normandy in 1847. The painting itself shows the evilness of how back in the days everyone seemed to see. An owl represents many different ideas in every country. For example, on the bottom of the drawing of the owl it says, "Pauca, Paucis". It's a phrase in Latin, meaning, "who benefits". It usually means to not sweat over the small things. But, together it has a different meaning like, "It is a wise man who speaks little." The painter Felix Buhot was an amazing young artist. This painting shows how the owl can represent as the underworld of evil. For example, the owl was used by witches itself symbolizing the bad vibes that were carried back in the days. It shows how everything around their surroundings is taken by the evil spirits. The atmosphere is surrounded by the evil darkness itself with all the fog. In my opinion in the painting is that an owl is a symbol of great importance for the lives of many individuals. An owl represents wisdom. The white owl is also symbolized spiritually. The painting is maybe a sign that in society the atmosphere here is being negatively influenced by the wrong decisions made by the people. A lesson showing that everyone should be wise on decisions. In the background you can see how everything that was once filled with beauty is now filled with negativity. Decisions reflects towards many individuals in the way were one can be socially impacted. For example, we have to be knowledgeable and learn from those lessons or teachings. So the owl itself is a significant symbolism that can fit into the life of individuals. So the painting "Le Hibou" is maybe a painting representing that one should be wise or else there's consequences or life lessons. The book that the owl is in front is another sign that we should use our common sense and the ability to know the fundamental truths in our lives for the better being.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Leadership Vision- Education is the key to success!

Today, factors such as: the lack in knowledge, family support, and discipline of many college bound students in America lead to low graduation rates. “Every year, approximately 1.2 million students fail to graduate, more than half of whom are from minority groups equaling about 7,000 students every school day.”[1] I want to make a difference in society by creating an organization that will minimize the low graduation rates. It will focus on all students in need from elementary to college students, in particular, younger children because they are the new future leaders of tomorrow. My organization will be called Step up Leaders. Spreading the importance of education nationally, as the organization grows, is my ultimate goal.  Once students drop out of school, they are often unmotivated to pursue it again. Researchers have found that “specific risk factors, such as, low attendance or a failing grade, are signs of future dropouts.”[2] It is said, that participating in extra curriculum activities can distinguish and reflect a positive impact on a students' career life.

My organization will focus on creating tutoring sessions, academic advising, having our own sports team, and providing scholarships for all students for free as long as they have the desire to succeed. Most importantly, they will learn the four main concepts of leadership, which are executing, influencing, relationship building, and strategic learning. Education is an important role that plays in our lives. Helping others can only create a better environment for our future to come. Education is the key to success. Education can give people a better standard of living because they can acquire better jobs, not like obtaining a job at a McDonald’s fast food restaurant. Students that dropout don’t realize that they are earning low wage earnings. Usually, over a period of time, “high school dropouts earns, on average about $260,000 less than a high school graduate”.[3]

Dropouts are more common in minority groups, usually because families can’t afford for their children to finish school with the low income they earn. Most families tend to be in the working class earning the lowest wage. I believe in helping all societies because nowadays there are many inequalities among individuals and groups everywhere. For example, education is not the same as in a white or black community. It is said, that if, “U.S. High school schools and colleges raise the graduation rates of Hispanic, African American, and Native American students to the levels of white students by 2020, the potential increase in personal income would add more than $310 billion to the U.S. Economy.”[4]
My leadership strengths that best describe me the most are futuristic, strategic, helper, learner, and positivity. With these qualities, as well as the collaboration of my team mates for the organization, we will accomplish our goal with dedication and determination. I will gather a group of friends and make social networks through the collaboration of my team mates because with communication we can bond ideas together verbally creating debates, agreements, etc. Together, my teammates and I will gather all our talents, skills, and knowledge, as a whole to empower the strength of our task. Our task is to establish better education communities around minority groups. With the community participating in these events, we can move forward towards a better environment. When each individual takes responsibilities, a difference can be made to set certain expectations. My team and I will engage to the commitment of helping dropouts to get back on their feet and give them that new opportunity by making a recreational center, available any time of the week. Everyone is welcomed to seek for help. I know we will have the opportunity to broaden this organization throughout the community by making a big difference. This recreational center will be a non-profitable organization that will be open for all students of all ages that will provide them with scholarship money. Most importantly, we will focus on helping students completing and submitting the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Students), that’s one way in where we will make this recreation center into use.
My strategy to start my plan is using the SMART+3 criteria to ensure effectiveness for my plan to be actionable. First, it will be specific. Second, it will be measurable. Third, it will be attainable and action oriented. Fourth, my plan will be realistic. Fifth, it will be timely. Last but not least, it will be actionable with my team along my side.
So my first initiative for my first year in college is to build this organization is by gathering all students, planning social events such as a concert, and starting to gather data. We will do this by sending emails, making blogs, forums, chat networks, printing fliers, and online advertisement. Later for my next years of college, I will use my skills of being a business student in marketing to do an online marketing plan where we can gather and ask companies that will give donations or grants in order to help my organization develop. Afterwards, with all the money collected, I will start making the initiative for the construction of the recreation center. With the support of president Obama’s Administration funds, this organization will be a success. Although, this will take time, I will accomplish this dream I have. Like president Obama once said, “This is a problem we can’t afford to accept or ignore.”… “The stakes are too high – for our children, for our economy, for our country. It’s time for all of us to come together – parents and students, principals and teachers, business leaders and elected officials – to end America’s dropout crisis.” [5] Together, as citizens we should be the leaders and act upon everything we think is right.

President Obama spoke at the American’s Promise Alliance, the nation’s largest partnership organization dedicated to improve the lives of children and youth.

After all, the hard work is put all together at last our purposes, visions, and values will come into play by increasing education for everyone. At the end, everyone gets something good out of it, from learning skills, communication skills, apprehensive skills, and most of all we help our economy as well. It’s just like economics; stating that trade can make everyone better off in which both parties earn a good deal and make a better improvement if they get together and each do their part of their job and elaborate for a better outcome.
If my team and I can make a big improvement, I know we can change the lives of many individuals. I believe that anything in this world can be done and be true. Like Morter said, “Right or wrong, your beliefs are “True”--for you.” (Morter 204) This whole leadership vision makes me believe in myself and builds my confidence. Dr. Morter believes that, “Beliefs are the footing on which your castle of individuality is built.” (Morter 198)

Programs like “No Child Left Behind”, help children all over the world get the same rights to obtain the same education.

Being a business student in the McCombs School of Business, I will achieve and develop new strategies to make my leadership vision into play. My math courses show me how to be analytical, in ways were I have the ability to see all the factors that may come in hand for the better outcome of the organization. Being in the Business Leadership Program and Professors Bump class of Leadership, ethics, and animal’s class has taught me to have that self-assurance and be an intellective leader. I have learned that to be a leader we have to take initiative and experience experiential learning to make us bolder. Like Gandhi once said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” Throughout this leadership class I have managed to make myself stronger and not only visualize my leadership vision, but to start taking an initiative and planning my plan for the future to come today.  Therefore, taking a UGS class, such as my UGS 302 writing class will help me along my career and goals. The ability of knowing how to write will be important because without writing I wouldn’t be able to lead my views and get my points through to the public.

[1] Editorial Projects in Education, :Diplomas Count 2008: Diplomas Count 2008. School to College: Can State P-16 Councils Ease the Transition?,”special issue. Education Week, no.40 (2008).
[2] Ibid.
[3] C. Rouse, “Labor Market Consequences of an Inadequate Education, “paper prepared for the symposium on the Social Costs of Inadequate Education,”October 24, 2005, New York.
[4] ----, “Demography as Destiny: How America Can Build A Better Future,” (Washington, DC: Author, 2006).
[5] Dr. Morter, Ted. Dynamic Health. Rogers: Best Research, Inc. 1995, 1997.


 Word Count: 1328
 Word Count without quotes: 1,121