Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What is your power/spirit animal?

After reading the anthology book about finding your power animal it came to me how much there is in life to yet learn from and live. You always come to think that dreams come true but reality is very much different because you face obstacles in life that after experiencing it plays an important role in your life with a major impact changing your whole life "potentials we unfold" (pg.112). For example, animals in nature have some similar things as humans in which they obtain certain characteristics such as mouth, ear, and eyes. For example, "Dreaming and waking were inseparable realities" (pg. 111) it basically states how sometimes we tend to live in two separate worlds but in order to go through that process we first use our imagination. "Imagination is a real link to your totem." (pg, 116)   

As I started reading the book in the section of animals I knew by heart which animal symbolized me and that I can see myself within me spiritually. My animal was the dog mostly related to a coyote because it reminds me how my life has been during this years in interacting with them. It all started when I had went to go visit my uncle at his house for this cookout he was making when suddenly I had seen a dog laying down. I had always liked dogs since I first owned one when I was 8 years old so I went and pet him so as I approached him he suddenly stood up and bit me behind my back as I stood back up. At that moment I felt a pain inside me but no remorse because maybe I was just disturbing him or invading his space but even though I have been bit by dogs two times in which I still have the scar I love dogs to death. As the anthology book said, "confront them without fear do their powers/medicine work for us instead of against us."(pg. 114) I own two dogs of my own till now and they have always been there for me at bad and good times I am very grateful to have them in my life till this point. I feel that sometimes as I look through their eyes I can see this image in their eyes full of potential energy and power and also like if they understand everything I try to say at times when not verbally but in my mind and thoughts.But in order for that "to communicate with them demands respect." (Pg 115) like they always say treat others how you want to be treated. I have always felt really passionate about dogs that at times for example, when I saw "Earthlings" the part where some people had put a live dog in the trash truck and just killed him alive my heart started pounding fast and started crying. I knew it had impacted me very much for example, as soon as I saw that image I ran outside and hugged my dogs very tight not only do "they help empower us but be used to help, heal, inspire, and grow" (pg 112).

So my power animal which is a dog has built me to be strong and bold. An animal that I can significantly rely and look upon to. At one point it had also inspired me to be a veterinarian but yet I still have to live life to the fullest and because like they said at times your power animal can "change across one's lifetime." (pg 120)

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