Monday, September 13, 2010

Longhorns and Mustangs

Everyday as day goes by history is being made making great knowledge to others later on for the future to know about the importance of such monument or fact to be known. For example, the Longhorns and its history holds such an immense significance to all of us here at UT. We have the greatest mascot known in my opinion being an animal with such character, dignity, and power. They are animals that get very attached to their own loved one if they find their connection such as Sancho with Maria.For example, my grandfather and dad own a bull just like Table cloth with similar looks and characteristics of a longhorn but till one day my grandpa had a job to do so he sent my uncle to go and feed him so the bull actually horned him because they have caution and if they dislike you they will harm. My uncle was then sent to the hospital that day and he is doing better now but in the sense of longhorns they will protect themselves from any harm with their long horns.

"Longhorn was also a home lover and a persistent returner to his querencia."(pg139), meaning he loved his home very much that it was a place he had could rely on and had in his heart. Like when Sancho was taken miles far away from home to Wyoming he did not feel right and felt empty inside him knowing that the most valuable place where he felt the most comfortable on was taken away from him. I feel the same way in a way for example being here in Austin. I miss home also but yet I remind myself that I came here to try my best to reach my goal and get an education at a well privilieged school known for its academics and school spirit. Longhorns just by their looks it shows how bold are they and with great magnitude symbolize the pride a man had to acquire back in the old days that helped or influenced to shape men in a way. "The Longhorns of the brush, instead being modified by men, bent men to their own ways." (pg 154) Its like when they say "you have to be a man and face your own reality" in which men had to learn their own problems on their own to show manhood with that in mind horses were the main source to show manhood. "A man on foot was no man at all." (182)

As well as the longhorns, mustangs were creatures with beauty as Dobie explains were "the best ones at least" (pg164) that lived in their own ways like if there spirit just guided them the way of life. Their life was just to be free of roaming around nature just "gone like the winds"(pg 170) and also "Carried away of life and a spirit that no pastoral prosperity could in coming times re-present".(pg 170). Mustangs are beauty just itself in my perspective symbolize the hope we have in our lives. We always find savior around us its just you have to be positive and well spirited in mind and freedom will hit you like my dad always says, "Where there is life there is hope."

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